False king two steps from hell movie
False king two steps from hell movie

false king two steps from hell movie false king two steps from hell movie

This would have some consequences later, as Kihel-as-Dianna's insistence on a peaceful solution with Earth leads to a mutiny against the real Dianna once they switch back.

  • Happens completely by accident in ∀ Gundam when Queen Dianna does a Twin Switch with her Identical Stranger Kihel Heim and war breaks out before they could switch back, meaning for a good portion of the series an impostor was ruling the Moon.
  • However, both Motaiko and the then-Emperor died, and Hotohori was stuck as a mix of Lonely Rich Kid and The Emperor whereas Tendou was stuck as a commoner. The one who really should be in the throne is Hotohori's older half-brother, Tendou, but after an assassination attempt from Hotohori's Stage Mom Motaiko, he was sent away with the intention of keeping him safe until he was ready.
  • One of the Fushigi Yuugi novels (and its Animated Adaptation), Suzaku Hi Den, reveals that none other than Hotohori is one of these.
  • false king two steps from hell movie

    She willingly usurps Suzuno's place as the Priestess of Byakko because she's been so abused and mistreated ever since childhood, she sees this as a chance to finally have a decent life where everyone will respect her. The prequel Fushigi Yuugi: Byakko Senki has one of these and it's the local Broken Bird Neiran, the protagonist of Fushigi Yuugi: Byakko Ibun.Fushigi Yuugi uses the trope at least twice:.This was facilitated by her not only looking and smelling like the Vampire Monarch in question but being able to compel those blood-bound to her. The head of Telomere replaced Princess Mina Tepes in Dance in the Vampire Bund after a massive attack on the Bund.Subverted given that she's allowed to remain on the throne anyway due to her Character Development and the real princess never attempts to take the throne from her even after learning of her true heritage, and it's implied that she may be a descendant of the original Queen of Windbloom, since the two look nearly identical. As eventually revealed, Mashiro in My-Otome was passed off as the surviving princess after the attack that killed the King and Queen while the real princess ( Nina Wang) was spirited off elsewhere.

    false king two steps from hell movie

    Only one kid notices this, and he's too injured by Baroque Works to tell anyone. 2 Bon Clay impersonates the king to get everyone in Alabasta to fight.

    False king two steps from hell movie